4th Therian Meet: Mastbos, The Netherlands

9 juni 2018 11am - 5 pm ➡ 11 Attendees

Rating: 5 stars
2 votes

Attendee List

  1. PinkDolphin
  2. Kai
  3. Luca
  4. Avant
  5. Anika
  6. Dani
  7. Nina
  8. Alixa
  9. Stargazer
  10. Michael
  11. Rellybel


Written Report

Our first meet-up in the netherlands, and boi did we enjoy it! Mastbos was the perfect nature park to hold such a meet-up, big, plenty of room to play and run and only very little hooman encounters.

The only downside we probably faced was the unholy heatwave that we faced that day, which resulted in many many many bottles of water and plenty of breaks between walking. Despite the heat, the meet attendees still ran, fought, digged, explored and all of that.

We met a ton of new people, people from the netherlands who never attended our belgian meets. And made some friends for life. Some people liked to walk bare foot, others never entered the paths and followed us from behind the trees.

The running circle was probably our favorite! A little 'hole' on a sand-mountain.. everyone went crazy! Over there we met some hooman children who likely had a day activity as group in the same forest. They were very facinated and asked tons of questions about therianthropy. "I wish I could be a therian!" and "I wanna play along!"

As everyone was very tired, and the heat was barely doable, many left the meet early (around 3-4pm) and a few others stayed for some icecream before heading home.


Youtube meet videos